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9AM – 12PM PDT

[button title=”REGISTER HERE” link=”https://www.portlandinstitute.org/therapeutic-presence-in-grief-therapy” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”” font_color=”” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

For more information, contact carolyn@portlandinstitute.org

Therapeutic presence is foundational to supporting a strong therapeutic relationship and allowing clients to process major losses at each stage of life. This module will involve (a) a didactic approach to understanding therapeutic presence, and (b) experiential practices for therapists to cultivate therapeutic presence and self-compassion and work with the challenges to remaining present with clients’ suffering from grief and loss.  An empirically validated model of therapeutic presence will be presented as a map to build and strengthen the skills of presence within self and with clients.  There will be an exploration of the neurophysiological principles to create safety with therapeutic presence, based on concepts such as co-regulation and neuroception of safety stemming from the Polyvagal Theory (Geller & Porges, 2014).  Key mindfulness and self-compassion practices will be shared to help therapists cultivate presence and work through barriers to presence that may get in the way of meeting and supporting clients’ experience of grief and loss.

Learning Objectives

  • Explore an empirically validated model of therapeutic presence along with key skills and core practices for cultivating presence in grief counseling relationships;
  • Understand the neurophysiological underpinnings of therapeutic presence, client safety, and effective clinical relationships;
  • Practice presence during grief counseling and in life to sustain connection in therapeutic interactions; and
  • Strengthen internal and external attunement to allow therapists to meet clients directly in their grief while staying in contact with their own experience.

Cost: USD$99 for 3-hour module

[button title=”REGISTER HERE” link=”https://www.portlandinstitute.org/therapeutic-presence-in-grief-therapy” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”” font_color=”” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

For more information, contact carolyn@portlandinstitute.org

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