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Saturdays 1-3pm Aug 6-27, Sep 17-24, Oct 1-8, 2022


Description: The Expressive Arts Therapy Group is aimed at centralizing the experiences of BIPOC folx who seek support in response to interpersonal violence and have felt dismissed/othered by the mental health system. This 8-week in-person group addresses trauma using a DBT Art Therapy informed practice.

Experience in art making is not required.

In this workshop you will:

  • Experience how art therapy plays a pivotal role in trauma healing by participating in activities you can continue to build on and use for yourself
  • Learn new coping and resilience skills pulled from DBT for PTSD, mindfulness and creative therapies
  • Be in community with others

This workshop is best suited for: BIPOC folx affected by interpersonal violence and financial barriers. Those who find it hard to explore these issues with others without judgment, dismissal, or conflict.

Format: Weekly 2-hour in-person sessions consisting of visual arts activities, skills training, practice exercises, and discussion.

Free of Charge: Offering free group sessions to Empower members of the BIPOC community toward mental wellness.

Group Leaders: Lorraine Patterson, Ph.D., C.Psych., and Shelley Kavanagh, RP, RCAT

For more information see the flyer here

How To Register

T: 416-855-CMBH (2624 )
E: cmbh@cmbh.space

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