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About this course

Enhance your individual Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) practice with this hands-on course. You’ll get advanced training in problem analysis, case formulation and treatment design. You’ll work through real cases – including your own – and present clinical questions. Each three-hour session combines theory, practice and experiential exercises such as skills-modeling, role-playing and consultation. You’ll hone the DBT knowledge and skills you’ve already acquired to correctly analyze a client’s situation, design solutions that address their discomfort, increase validation and address issues that arise during treatment.

This course can be applied towards the following certificates: Dialectical Behavior Therapy

What you’ll learn

  • Conduct a comprehensive chain analysis and construct a treatment plan that addresses specific behaviours.
  • Blend advanced problem-solving strategies with validation strategies.
  • Use the six levels of validation to manage client distress.
  • Address maladaptive primary emotions and contingency problems in treatment.
  • Implement phone-coaching strategies and apply suicide-crisis protocols.

Instructor: Dr. Shelley McMain

Dr. Shelley McMain, PhD., C.Psych. is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at University of Toronto, Head of the Borderline Personality Disorder Clinic and a Clinician Scientist at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and Co-Founder of the Centre for MindBody Health in Toronto.  She is a clinician, supervisor, educator and researcher. Trained in Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) in Seattle in the mid-90’s with Dr. Marsha Linehan, she obtained her DBT Individual and Group Therapist Certification. She currently serves on the DBT Strategic Planning Committee and on the Scientific Advisory Board of the Linehan Institute. Recognized as a leader in Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Canada and internationally, Dr. McMain conducts research in DBT, personality disorders, emotion regulation, suicide and self harm, substance abuse, and psychotherapy process and outcomes. She has delivered 300+ conference, colloquia, grand rounds, and trainings and is widely recognized for her excellence in DBT training.


Please register at least 4 days prior to the course starts to receive Quercus access to course materials before the first class.
Withdrawal deadline is before the first class.
No class on February 17, 2020, Family Day.

Price: $999

[button title=”Register online here” link=”https://learn.utoronto.ca/programs-courses/courses/3650-dbt-individual-therapy” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”” font_color=”” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

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