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Who Could Benefit?

The Family and Friends (F&F) Group: Tools for Building Emotional Resilience is a 13-week group designed for those with relationships with individuals diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) or otherwise challenged with emotional dysregulation. Through education, skills training and network building, group members will learn how to navigate these relationships and support their own and their loved one’s well-being.


The F&F Group Has Four Main Objectives:

  1. Understand the origins, symptoms, and behaviours associated with BPD or emotion dysregulation.
  2. Better manage and improve your relationships with those struggling with BPD or emotion dysregulation.
  3. Increase resilience and promote optimism for caregivers and/or loved ones of those with BPD and emotional dysregulation.
  4. Develop a support network with a like-minded community.


What is the Curriculum?

Education: You will learn the most current information and research on BPD and emotion dysregulation and gain a better understanding of the associated and attending symptoms and behaviours.

Skill Training: You will learn DBT skills that promote resilience and effective coping for family members and others experiencing emotional dysregulation or BPD. Skills include both acceptance and change strategies. Skills training targets/remedies specific caretaking and relational challenges for family members and loved ones.

Network Building: You will develop a support network and community of those with shared experiences and build connections with group members in similar situations.


Class Schedule

The Family and Friends Group meets weekly on Tuesdays from 6:00pm – 8:00pm via a secure virtual platform. Each session consists of lectures, skills training, practice exercises, questions, and discussion.


Fee Schedule

Cost per session is $140 per person or $125 per person, if joining with an additional family member or loved one. Sessions may be paid by credit card.


Cancellation Policy

Clients will be charged if they are a no-show to a group session. An absence is considered a no-show if less than 48 hours’ notice is given.


Registration Options

  1. Email us with your personal information through the downloadable form below (page 2) to:cmbh@cmbh.space
  2. Call CMBH to provide your contact information and/or to receive more information regarding our groups:(416) 855-2624


[button title=”CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD REGISTRATION FORM” link=”https://www.cmbh.ca/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/CMBH_FFGroup.pdf” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”” font_color=”” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

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